Diablo 2 V1.13 Patch

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Patch 1.13d Game Diablo II Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Release date October 27, 2011 Patch 1.13d, released 27 October 2011. Contents[show] Changes New Features Ignoring players is now saved between sessions of the game. The moment many of you believed would never come is here. The v1.13 patch is, at long last, live on the test realm. There are numerous bug fixes, respecs, skill tweaks galore, a new mystery uber quest, and lots of gameplay tweaks. Diablo 2 v1.13 Patches Released. March 24, 2010 by Paul Younger. Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Google+. Blizzard has relased the v1.13c patch for Diablo 2 after a lenghty test period. Runeword Rune Rune Rune Rune Rune Rune Type Missing Runes. Download Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction Patch v1.13c (5.2 MB) by Blizzard Entertainment.

Quote from 'Magistrate' »We don't need a char wipe if we get as reset, NoExplanation- all ladder characters always become nonladder, and so effectively don't interfere with ladder characters at all, anyway. They do not 'always' become non ladder.

There have been a few times where they have wiped accounts. I would not attempt to correct someone, especially if you are going to offer up that BS statement as an infinite. With the addition of the new server system they are implementing for upcoming Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, there is no reason that they would not patch Diablo 2 in to test it out. () This would add more accountability over all with 'CD-Cracks' accountability for user accounts and the start of weeding out the hacks and exploits in preparation for the upcoming releases. Character wiping is not as far fetched or impossible as you make it seem. They have done it before, I suspect they will do it again. Especially if it is conjunction with a new server release and account handling.

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I would honestly like to see a battle net over haul - new rune words - more uniques - higher drop rates for hr's because for people like me who got jipped and now have absoulty nothing good to give to my characters, its nearly impossible to do anything in hell so i cant even get anything good. Its a sad circle and it pisses me off that people trick others to get there good stuff. I would also like to see some buffing on the druid's hurricane i find it too weak. I also think that thoes DAM SPAM BOTS BE TAKEN OUT!!!!!!!!!! Some times it gets so bad i cant even see the screen.

Quote from 'Magistrate' » I never said anything was infinite. I never even said it was absolute.

However, based on my 9 years of playing Diablo II on Battle.net, this has happened with every single new ladder reset. Please be careful how you chose to phrase what you say- you're trolling at the moment. All I'm offering is friendly and respectful feedback. To split hairs, when you use always, it is an infinite. Additionally in your 9 years perhaps you do not remember this particular character wipe but it was a wipe. I lost 6 accounts of legit gear and items from Hardcore US West. They were not bumped down to a 'non ladder class', they were completely erased.

Since that incident I cannot give you specifics as this was roughly 2002 when it happened. And I did not start playing again until late 2007. In addition, I have been a member to this site and a contributer to this site since before the swap from diablo3 to diablofans, so I not seeing how I could even remotely be considered a 'Troll'. If all you are offering is a respectful feedback then perhaps you should attempt to do that insted of wishing to discredit, because you weren't aware. Quote from 'Magistrate' ».There's also no need for it.


Do not put words in my mouth. A mass character wipe? Source please.

Diablo 2 V1.13 Patch

Once again, from a reliable source in affiliation with Blizzard and/or Battle.net. Serial number corel draw x8. The one you cited only gave information regarding new servers to Diablo III and Starcraft II, not Diablo II or anything made earlier.

There is no source. This was an educated guess on my part. I had worked in the computer gaming industry for a little over 7 years. I do have a bit of insight when it comes to changing all new systems. Left for dead 3 the game. It has been Blizzards plan to launch Starcraft 2 onto a new Battle.net platform. The old system is not nearly advanced enough to support the new.

I am not going to do your research for you, there are plenty of topics of this within the Blizzard starcraft 2 forums. If you wish for a link, I suggest you look there. My educated guess would be that this would include Diablo 3 since they will roughly be launched within a close enough time frame that would support both games.

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